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52 MW MAN Diesel HFO Complete Power Plant(7) 7600 kW MAN 16V3240 sixteen-cylinder four-stroke, turbocharged and charge-air cooled engines, (7) heavy duty generators, Year 2001, 750 rpm, 50 HZ, Only 7, 000 hours since installation, Cooling system, Lube Oil system, Lubricating Oil System, Control and Monitoring System, Electrical System, Heavy Fuel Oil System, Heavy Fuel Oil Purification system: Pumps, Air System, Exhaust Gas System, Compressed Air System, Heat Recovery System, Steam Distribution System, Boilers, Transformers, Tanks, Tank Farm Equipment , Water Treatment, Reverse Osmosis system, Desox System, Start up Boiler, Fire Fighting System, Discharge Pumps, Water Pumps, Forced Draft Ventilation System, Black-start-Diesel Generating Set, Piping, Power House Crane, Hoist Equipment and Tools and Spares. This is a complete plant that can be purchased a very reasonable price.