We provide marketing services. environment tech-soil, water, air-extracted toxins processed into electricity/fuels water tech-atmospheric humidity capture/water producing system climate stabilizing tech-excess temp, humidity, wind processed into electricity/fuel. artificial atmospheres-climate producing system. cleantech/greentech energy-fuels-0, 19% residues & emissions-electricity-power converters-1000%plus(1w-10w plus) health biotech- human/animal/sealife cell structuring(cancer-organ-neuro/anti-toxin). green housing- rev. Building products-health enhancers-enviro purifier. materials use the principles in"environmental", do the same with humans within household leaving them cleansed, purified, revitalized(applications: all buildings, household, offices, restaurants, manuf.facilities, etc ) mining tech- mineral/fuel/gas exploration-70% reduction in costs. multi-function manufacturing tech-360 diff products can be produced simultaneously. agri greentech- revitalized soils, (artificial atmospheres), plant cell structuring, new plant species. forest fire protection tech. space tech-space craft-time accelerators/decelarators-artificial habitable planets