Located in Ontario, CA, we are working in compliance with Gold Mining Concession rules. We are into Gold Mining Brokerage operations in close proximity to the site; providing shared security and oversight. Backed up by adept and highly experienced professionals, we bring forth a reliable and quick Gold Mining Concession services to our valuable clients. We facilitate market exchange and provide an apt platform to match buyers and sellers. Offering up to a 10% discount over city broker prices, we are planning to purchase up to 30 kg per month, but no more than 40% of cash reserves. Across the two years, we anticipate earning a little over $2.3MM by purchasing and reselling the gold mined by the neighboring small scale indigenous operations. This profit is not shared with the local partner. Year 1Year 2TotalGold Purchase $912, 320$1, 368, 000$2, 280, 320 Gold purchased for export (Kilos) 240.08 360.00 600. Current Scenario : Despite very large scale mining operations by IAMGOLD and others, most of Suriname’s gold production and exports is produced by indigenous small scale mining operations. Developed as a customary practice, and proven impossible to eliminate, concession holders permit small scale alluvial mining on their lands for a 10% share of the production. This customary practice was often considered ‘illegal’ mining but as the largest income for the country of Suriname is gold export taxes, this practice has been accommodated with working restrictions. Gold accumulated in this manner is typically taken to the city where it is sold to brokers who will further refine, assay and move the gold to ready market. These markets include Exporters, the Central Bank, and, despite the low export tax of only 3%, even smuggled to a number of anxious economies. Gold brokers are not licensed and competition is open with proper funding. “Cash on the barrel” is the typical arrangement, and quicker payments are often preferred over the best rate. Gold is purchased at a discount to the export price. Actual discounts fluctuate, but increases as purchases are made farther away from the city. Average monthly share of such production for several concession holders approximates 1 to 1.5kg per month, representing immediate access to 10 to 15kg of gold recovered on a concession. With a number of nearby concessions being actively worked by alluvial mining activities, total supply is estimated at over 40kg monthly.