5 vessels blco heading to china ports : mt apollonia (dalian), mt-amphitrite (ningbo), mt-basra (zhanjiang), mt-scf shanghai (zhanjiang), mt-new merit (zhanjiang): 4 vessels blco heading to rotterdam: mt-olympic leopard, mt-tamagawa, m-t maran poseidon & m -t triathlon: price cif or tto china: $9-$5, buyer’s side fully open, if buyer takes much quantity crude oil, after spot conclusion, price would be $10-$6; or $10-$5 if buyer wishs increases fees if buyer prefers other term than sblc mt760, seller accepts aussi mt700 dlc or block funds mt799 but no 2% p.bond if buyer prefers boards before instrument, he has to take care of logistics & nor /atb (usd 20.000) buyer can take one or more spotsas trial, after conclusion, buyer goes to contract any qty he may need the partial pop: full set cargo documents, ats, nnpc’s nominated bank and tracking vessels. all they ask for mc or seller’s shipping agency or no matter what else, or not able swift rwa after signed spa, please do not bother. if serious interest to proceed contact for procedure .